Sunday, October 12, 2008

The first term test

In general, I have found most university tests and exams to be soul crushing affairs that, taken collectively over the span of the year, constitutes a suite of hostile, spiteful acts against the test taker and humanity itself. Thus, this year I resolved to stay at least a week ahead of all my assignments and tests where possible and afford my self as much time possible. Surprisingly, the spread of quantifiable difference it has made between courses affords an incredible range of results, some much more positive then others.
I am pleased with how the first test went and found it it to be both fair and meaningful assesment of our ability to demonstrate and apply the knowledge we've learned in the class and am glad to see that my studying and effort thus far have paid off, both in terms of my confidence with material and with my enthusiam towards the course. 

1 comment:

Danny Heap said...

You won't find me coming to the defense of university tests, or grading in general. The fact that we have to assign each of you an integer in the range [0,100] has little to do with pedagogy, and we all tolerate it in some way or other.

That said, I'm glad it wasn't too bad.